Thursday, September 27, 2007

Justice IN Jena

CLASS: This is the article that I read aloud to you in class. It was a great discussion today. Thank you for your comments. What is so interesting about any piece of writing is that it is never entirely objective. You can read 10 different articles about the Jena case and they will all have a different slant, even slightly.
Please comment here if you are moved to do and we can carry on the conversation.

September 26, 2007
Op-Ed Contributor
Justice in Jena
Jena, La.
THE case of the so-called Jena Six has fired the imaginations of thousands, notably young African-Americans who, according to many of their comments, believe they will be in the vanguard of a new civil rights movement. Whether America needs a new civil rights movement I leave to social activists, politicians and the people who must give life to such a cause.
I am a small-town lawyer and prosecutor. For 16 years, it has been my job as the district attorney to review each criminal case brought to me by the police department or the sheriff, match the facts to any applicable laws and seek justice for those who have been harmed. The work is often rewarding, but not always.
I do not question the sincerity or motivation of the 10,000 or more protesters who descended on Jena last week, after riding hundreds of miles on buses. But long before reaching our town of 3,000 people, they had decided that a miscarriage of justice was taking place here. Their anger at me was summed up by a woman who said, “If you can figure out how to make a schoolyard fight into an attempted murder charge, I’m sure you can figure out how to make stringing nooses into a hate crime.”
That could be a compelling statement to someone trying to motivate listeners on a radio show, but as I am a lawyer obligated to enforce the laws of my state, it does not work for me.
I cannot overemphasize how abhorrent and stupid I find the placing of the nooses on the schoolyard tree in late August 2006. If those who committed that act considered it a prank, their sense of humor is seriously distorted. It was mean-spirited and deserves the condemnation of all decent people.
But it broke no law. I searched the Louisiana criminal code for a crime that I could prosecute. There is none.
Similarly, the United States attorney for the Western District of Louisiana, who is African-American, found no federal law against what was done.
A district attorney cannot take people to trial for acts not covered in the statutes. Imagine the trampling of individual rights that would occur if prosecutors were allowed to pursue every person whose behavior they disapproved of.
The “hate crime” the protesters wish me to prosecute does not exist as a stand-alone offense in Louisiana law. It’s not that our Legislature has turned a blind eye to crimes motivated by race or other personal characteristics, but it has addressed the problem in a way that does not cover what happened in Jena. The hate crime statute is used to enhance the sentences of defendants found guilty of specific crimes, like murder or rape, who chose their victims based on race, religion, sexual orientation or other factors.
Last week, a reporter asked me whether, if I had it to do over, I would do anything differently. I didn’t think of it at the time, but the answer is yes. I would have done a better job of explaining that the offenses of Dec. 4, 2006, did not stem from a “schoolyard fight” as it has been commonly described in the news media and by critics.
Conjure the image of schoolboys fighting: they exchange words, clench fists, throw punches, wrestle in the dirt until classmates or teachers pull them apart. Of course that would not be aggravated second-degree battery, which is what the attackers are now charged with. (Five of the defendants were originally charged with attempted second-degree murder.) But that’s not what happened at Jena High School.
The victim in this crime, who has been all but forgotten amid the focus on the defendants, was a young man named Justin Barker, who was not involved in the nooses incident three months earlier. According to all the credible evidence I am aware of, after lunch, he walked to his next class. As he passed through the gymnasium door to the outside, he was blindsided and knocked unconscious by a vicious blow to the head thrown by Mychal Bell. While lying on the ground unaware of what was happening to him, he was brutally kicked by at least six people.
Imagine you were walking down a city street, and someone leapt from behind a tree and hit you so hard that you fell to the sidewalk unconscious. Would you later describe that as a fight?
Only the intervention of an uninvolved student protected Mr. Barker from severe injury or death. There was serious bodily harm inflicted with a dangerous weapon — the definition of aggravated second-degree battery. Mr. Bell’s conviction on that charge as an adult has been overturned, but I considered adult status appropriate because of his role as the instigator of the attack, the seriousness of the charge and his prior criminal record.
I can understand the emotions generated by the juxtaposition of the noose incident with the attack on Mr. Barker and the outcomes for the perpetrators of each. In the final analysis, though, I am bound to enforce the laws of Louisiana as they exist today, not as they might in someone’s vision of a perfect world.
That is what I have done. And that is what I must continue to do.
Reed Walters is the district attorney of LaSalle Parish.


Anonymous said...

I feel the same as the lady in the article. I don't understand how there is no law, it's not a hate crime, and these young white males have no consequences for their actions. The young black males attacking the white boy is not o.k, but neither is hanging nusses. In my opinion the blacks kids should be punished just not as harshly as advised so far and the white kids should also be punished.

RiveraSL said...

I feel like the DA in this statement, wants to be on the side of the people, and not the law because the law is obviously jacked up. In situations like these, it's best to follow protocol and the law because maybe in a situation very different or similar to this one, someone feels like the law is wrong; who is the DA to disagree if he did the same for a prior case? This would then lead to favoritism, bias and racism depending on the race.

crystal said...

I don't understand how there is no law agianst hanging nooses. there are laws against hate drimes for gays and lesbians but not for racial issues. WHY?????????? Sometimes i get fustrated and say "oh forget it the gov. is going to do what they want to do anyway". I think there needs to be action taken in order for a law to be passed so (heaven forbid), the next time this happens, all involved will be punished not just certains ones.

MsLeeleigh said...

First, I believe that Jena 6 has caused so much controversy, but for good reason. I do belive that it was wrong for the young men to jump that one person who may or may not have been associated with those who demonstrated such racist acts. Although, I do believe that the punishment that was issued to them was unjust. I agree with Strength, courage etc. How can hanging a nusse from a tree not be illegal in some way. And if not by law it is morally wrong and a stricter action should have been taken against them to prevent something like this from happening again. The black kids were punished to harshly for fighting. How could they have forseen that the guy was going to black out? There are no rights in this situation but I did notice a lot of wrongs begnning with the children, the principal, the lawyer and etc.

Anonymous said...

I feel that this incident was very racial and everyone knows it. I mean when the white people hung the nooses, they were just barely suspended. However, when the Black to revenge, they want trying to give them the deaf penalty. See how things work, and people say that everyone has equal rights. If everyone has equal rights, then how come the civil rights laws have to be renact every ten years.